Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I feel grateful to the late Don Cameron. Attending his memorial service last Saturday, listening to the many speakers who regaled us with funny, touching, tearful, and heartwarming stories of Don's life, I felt gratitude toward him for bringing his precious stories to Savage Press for publishing. I also felt grateful that, long after I'm gone, there will be something of me and my work left on this planet. Books are not children and loved ones, but they are a heritage. Having no children means there will be nothing of the physical "me" to carry "me" on after my memorial service. (Which I hope will be much like Don's.) But, sitting there in the pew, listening to his friends eulogize Don, listening to his daughter Becky (One of Don's physical gifts to the world that he was blessed to leave behind.) recite her version of his life story, it was gratifying to know that there'll be a physical remainder (As a publisher I don't like remainders so I shudder to use the term), a little something of "me" left behind in the form of Savage Press books on shelves here and there around the world. Granted they can't walk around and breathe and declare their love for me at a memorial service, but (I'm quite confident) they will occasionally be taken off a shelf somewhere, sometime and contribute some life and love and blessing to the world. For this I'm grateful.

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