Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Global Warming in the Publishing World

One thing to keep in mind when writing and looking for ways to get published and get read, just as global warming is changing the planet one degree at a time, so too, small presses and POD publishing and the maniacs like us who insist on bringing out books regardless of the cost are changing the basic underpinings of publishing. This seachange is a result of all the combined efforts of the millions of authors and thousands and thousands of small publishers who go about their daily business of pursuing their bliss and contributing their positive energy to the culture of writing and publishing.

Let me switch metaphors. Publishing is an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg in New York City is going to be underwater someday. The tremendous weight of the iceberg that is currently submerged (200,000 virutally unknown titles published last year) is going to eventually sublimate into the sea (mass culture) and that which is unseen now will flip up into the daylight and constitute the power and delight of publishing/writing/reading.

In fact, this has already happened. Blogging, web pages personal and corporate, POD book production, Text and instant messaging on cell phones, has redefined writing and publishing to a huge degree. The transformation of writing and publishing is one of the most enlivened aspects of our world today. If I may switch metaphors yet again, it is a revolution. A revolution that is meeting the needs of more and more and more people every day.

And what are those needs? The need to be heard. The need to listen. The need to express. The need to contribute. The need to receive. The need to give. The need for purpose in life. To name a few.

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